Lucile Savary
Lucile Savary
CNRS, French American Center for Theoretical Science, KITP
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Quantum spin liquids: a review
L Savary, L Balents
Reports on Progress in Physics 80 (1), 016502, 2016
Quantum excitations in quantum spin ice
KA Ross, L Savary, BD Gaulin, L Balents
Physical Review X 1 (2), 021002, 2011
Coulombic Quantum Liquids in Spin- Pyrochlores
L Savary, L Balents
Physical review letters 108 (3), 037202, 2012
Order by Quantum Disorder in Er2Ti2O7
L Savary, KA Ross, BD Gaulin, JPC Ruff, L Balents
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 167201, 2012
40 years of the quantum Hall effect
K von Klitzing, T Chakraborty, P Kim, V Madhavan, X Dai, J McIver, ...
Nature Reviews Physics 2 (8), 397-401, 2020
Disorder-induced quantum spin liquid in spin ice pyrochlores
L Savary, L Balents
Physical review letters 118 (8), 087203, 2017
New Type of Quantum Criticality in the Pyrochlore Iridates
L Savary, EG Moon, L Balents
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041027, 2014
Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles
M Ye, GB Halász, L Savary, L Balents
Physical review letters 121 (14), 147201, 2018
Superconductivity in three-dimensional spin-orbit coupled semimetals
L Savary, J Ruhman, JWF Venderbos, L Fu, PA Lee
Physical Review B 96 (21), 214514, 2017
Pairing States of Spin- Fermions: Symmetry-Enforced Topological Gap Functions
JWF Venderbos, L Savary, J Ruhman, PA Lee, L Fu
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011029, 2018
Singular angular magnetoresistance in a magnetic nodal semimetal
T Suzuki, L Savary, JP Liu, JW Lynn, L Balents, JG Checkelsky
Science 365 (6451), 377-381, 2019
Spin liquid regimes at nonzero temperature in quantum spin ice
L Savary, L Balents
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (20), 205130, 2013
Quantum spin ice on the breathing pyrochlore lattice
L Savary, X Wang, HY Kee, YB Kim, Y Yu, G Chen
Physical Review B 94 (7), 075146, 2016
Impurity effects in highly frustrated diamond-lattice antiferromagnets
L Savary, E Gull, S Trebst, J Alicea, D Bergman, L Balents
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (6), 064438, 2011
Phonon thermal hall conductivity from scattering with collective fluctuations
L Mangeolle, L Balents, L Savary
Physical Review X 12 (4), 041031, 2022
Analytical renormalization group approach to competing orders at charge neutrality in twisted bilayer graphene
E Brillaux, D Carpentier, AA Fedorenko, L Savary
Physical Review Research 4 (3), 033168, 2022
Phonon Hall viscosity in magnetic insulators
M Ye, L Savary, L Balents
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04223, 2021
Thermal conductivity and theory of inelastic scattering of phonons by collective fluctuations
L Mangeolle, L Balents, L Savary
Physical Review B 106 (24), 245139, 2022
Signatures of the helical phase in the critical fields at twin boundaries of noncentrosymmetric superconductors
K Aoyama, L Savary, M Sigrist
Physical Review B 89 (17), 174518, 2014
Probing hidden orders with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
L Savary, T Senthil
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.04752, 2015
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Articles 1–20