Reda Ahmed Zait
Reda Ahmed Zait
Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.
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Cited by
Nonclassical statistical properties of a three-level atom interacting with a single-mode field in a Kerr medium with intensity dependent coupling
RA Zait
Physics Letters A 319 (5-6), 461-474, 2003
Nonresonant interaction between a three-level atom with a momentum eigenstate and a one-mode cavity field in a Kerr-like medium
RA Zait, NH Abd El-Wahab
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35 (17), 3701, 2002
Bäcklund transformations, cnoidal wave and travelling wave solutions of the SK and KK equations
RA Zait
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 15 (4), 673-678, 2003
Four-level Hamiltonian model with an additional Kerr medium and multiphoton processes
RA Zait
Optics communications 247 (4-6), 367-379, 2005
A moving rubidium atom interacting with a single mode cavity field in the presence of Kerr medium
RA Zait, NH Abd El-Wahab
Modern Physics Letters B 18 (21n22), 1087-1100, 2004
Influence of Detuning and Kerr-like Medium on the Interaction of a three-level Atom with Squeezed two-mode Cavity Field
RA Zait, NH Abd El-Wahab
Physica Scripta 66 (6), 425, 2002
Multicnoidal and multitravelling wave solutions for some nonlinear equations of mathematical physics
IA Hassanien, RA Zait, EAB Abdel-Salam
Physica Scripta 67 (6), 457, 2003
Statistical measures approximations for the Gaussian part of the stochastic nonlinear damped Duffing oscillator solution process under the application of Wiener Hermite …
RA Zait, AA El-Shekhipy, NM Abdo
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 24 (3), 437-448, 2016
New exact solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations via the Hyperbolic-sine function method
MF El-Sabbagh, R Zait, RM Abdelazeem
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) 10 (4), 61-68, 2014
Intensity dependent coupling Hamiltonian via multi-photon interaction in a Kerr medium
RA Zait
International Journal of Modern Physics B 17 (30), 5795-5810, 2003
New exact solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations via the improved exp-function method
MF El-Sabbagh, R Zait, RM Abdelazeem
IJRRAS 18 (2), 132-144, 2014
Solutions of theU(N)σ models with the Wess-Zumino term
B Piette, RA Zait, WJ Zakrzewski
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 39, 359-364, 1988
Bäcklund transformations and solutions for some evolution equations
RA Zait
Physica Scripta 57 (5), 545, 1998
Solutions of the supersymmetricU(N) σ models with the Wess-Zumino-Witten term
B Piette, RA Zait, WJ Zakrzewski
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 44, 111-118, 1989
Baecklund transformations for the U (N){sigma} models and the SUSY U (N){sigma} models
RA Zait
Helvetica Physica Acta 69, 1996
Bäcklund Transformations of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations VIA Painlevè Analysis
MF El-Sabbagh, R Zait, RM Abdelazeem
New exact solutions of some nonlinear partial differential equations via the bernoulli sub-ode method
MF El-Sabbagh, R Zait, RM Abdelazeem
International Journal of Modern Mathematical Sciences 12 (1), 30-42, 2014
Nonlocal conserved currents for the supersymmetric U (N) sigma model
MFA El-Sabbagh, RA Zait
Physica Scripta 47 (1), 9, 1993
Intensity-dependent and multi-photon Hamiltonian of two two-level atoms and two-mode field in a Kerr medium solved by virtue of supersymmetric unitary transformation
NH Abd El-Wahab, RA Zait
Modern Physics Letters A 36 (09), 2150060, 2021
Supersymmetric approach to the interaction of a V-type three-level atom with a single mode of electromagnetic field via multi-photon transitions
NH Abd El-Wahab, RA Zait
The European Physical Journal Plus 135, 1-12, 2020
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Articles 1–20