Sergio Arruda
Sergio Arruda
Pesquisador Fiocruz Bahia e Prof. Patologia Médica UNEB
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Cloning of an M. tuberculosis DNA fragment associated with entry and survival inside cells
S Arruda, G Bomfim, R Knights, T Huima-Byron, LW Riley
Science 261 (5127), 1454-1457, 1993
Revisiting proteus: do minor changes in lectin structure matter in biological activity? Lessons from and potential biotechnological uses of the Diocleinae subtribe lectins
BS Cavada, T Barbosa, S Arruda, TB Grangeiro, M Barral-Netto
Current Protein and Peptide Science 2 (2), 123-135, 2001
Lectin-induced nitric oxide production
JL Andrade, S Arruda, T Barbosa, L Paim, MV Ramos, BS Cavada, ...
Cellular immunology 194 (1), 98-102, 1999
Analysis of discordance between the tuberculin skin test and the interferon-gamma release assay
A Machado Jr, K Emodi, I Takenami, BC Finkmoore, T Barbosa, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 13 (4), 446-453, 2009
In vivo lymphocyte activation and apoptosis by lectins of the Diocleinae subtribe
T Barbosa, S Arruda, B Cavada, TB Grangeiro, LAR Freitas, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 96, 673-678, 2001
IL-1β production by intermediate monocytes is associated with immunopathology in cutaneous leishmaniasis
D Santos, TM Campos, M Saldanha, SC Oliveira, M Nascimento, ...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 138 (5), 1107-1115, 2018
A proposed new clinical staging system for patients with mucosal leishmaniasis
HA Lessa, MM Lessa, LH Guimarães, CMF Lima, S Arruda, PR Machado, ...
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 106 (6 …, 2012
Risk factors for failure to complete a course of latent tuberculosis infection treatment in Salvador, Brazil
A Machado Jr, B Finkmoore, K Emodi, I Takenami, T Barbosa, M Tavares, ...
The International journal of tuberculosis and lung Disease 13 (6), 719-725, 2009
Characterization of the histopathologic features in patients in the early and late phases of cutaneous leishmaniasis
MG Saldanha, A Queiroz, PRL Machado, LP De Carvalho, P Scott, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 96 (3), 645, 2017
Granzyme B produced by natural killer cells enhances inflammatory response and contributes to the immunopathology of cutaneous leishmaniasis
TM Campos, FO Novais, M Saldanha, R Costa, M Lordelo, D Celestino, ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 221 (6), 973-982, 2020
B-cell infiltration and frequency of cytokine producing cells differ between localized and disseminated human cutaneous leishmaniases
MGS Vieira, F Oliveira, S Arruda, AL Bittencourt, AA Barbosa Jr, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 97, 979-983, 2002
Comparative analysis of the tissue inflammatory response in human cutaneous and disseminated leishmaniasis
ML Dantas, JMGC Oliveira, L Carvalho, ST Passos, A Queiroz, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 109 (2), 202-209, 2014
Placebo-controlled study of tianeptine in major depressive episodes
JA Costa e Silva, SI Ruschel, D Caetano, FL Rocha, JR da Silva Lippi, ...
Neuropsychobiology 35 (1), 24-29, 1997
IL-4 receptor signal transduction in human monocytes is associated with protein kinase C translocation.
S Arruda, JL Ho
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md.: 1950) 149 (4), 1258-1264, 1992
Interleukin-3 induces antimicrobial activity against Leishmania amazonensis and Trypanosoma cruzi and tumoricidal activity in human peripheral blood-derived macrophages
JL Ho, SG Reed, J Sobel, S Arruda, SH He, EA Wick, KH Grabstein
Infection and immunity 60 (5), 1984-1993, 1992
Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced neutrophil ectosomes decrease macrophage activation
TA Duarte, AA Noronha-Dutra, JS Nery, SB Ribeiro, TN Pitanga, ...
Tuberculosis 92 (3), 218-225, 2012
Alloimmunization and clinical profile of sickle cell disease patients from Salvador-Brazil
AMD Zanette, M de Souza Gonçalves, LV Schettini, LM Aguiar, ...
Ethnicity & disease 20 (2), 136-141, 2010
BCG (Bacille of Calmette–Guérin) revaccination leads to improved in vitro IFN-γ response to mycobacterial antigen independent of tuberculin sensitization in Brazilian school …
T Barbosa, S Arruda, BD Fernandes, LP Carvalho, S Cardoso, S Cunha, ...
Vaccine 21 (17-18), 2152-2160, 2003
Basidiobolomycosis: a case report
AL Bittencourt, SM Arruda, JAF de Andrade, EM Carvalho
Pediatric dermatology 8 (4), 325-328, 1991
Inflammation in disseminated lesions: an analysis of CD4+, CD20+, CD68+, CD31+ and vW+ cells in non-ulcerated lesions of disseminated leishmaniasis
DS Mendes, ML Dantas, JM Gomes, WLC Santos, AQ Silva, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 108, 18-22, 2013
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Articles 1–20