Wei Han(韩伟)
Wei Han(韩伟)
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Cited by
Emerging in‐plane anisotropic two‐dimensional materials
L Li, W Han, L Pi, P Niu, J Han, C Wang, B Su, H Li, J Xiong, Y Bando, ...
InfoMat 1 (1), 54-73, 2019
2D metal chalcogenides for IR photodetection
F Wang, Y Zhang, Y Gao, P Luo, J Su, W Han, K Liu, H Li, T Zhai
Small 15 (30), 1901347, 2019
Highly In‐Plane Anisotropic 2D GeAs2 for Polarization‐Sensitive Photodetection
L Li, P Gong, D Sheng, S Wang, W Wang, X Zhu, X Shi, F Wang, W Han, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (50), 1804541, 2018
A wafer-scale van der Waals dielectric made from an inorganic molecular crystal film
K Liu, B Jin, W Han, X Chen, P Gong, L Huang, Y Zhao, L Li, S Yang, ...
Nature Electronics 4 (12), 906-913, 2021
Sodium‐Mediated Epitaxial Growth of 2D Ultrathin Sb2Se3 Flakes for Broadband Photodetection
M Zhao, J Su, Y Zhao, P Luo, F Wang, W Han, Y Li, X Zu, L Qiao, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (13), 1909849, 2020
Two-dimensional inorganic molecular crystals
W Han, P Huang, L Li, F Wang, P Luo, K Liu, X Zhou, H Li, X Zhang, Y Cui, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4728, 2019
Salt-assisted chemical vapor deposition of two-dimensional materials
W Han, K Liu, S Yang, F Wang, J Su, B Jin, H Li, T Zhai
Science China Chemistry 62, 1300-1311, 2019
Uncooled Mid-Infrared Sensing Enabled by Chip-Integrated Low-Temperature-Grown 2D PdTe2 Dirac Semimetal
L Zeng, W Han, X Ren, X Li, D Wu, S Liu, H Wang, SP Lau, YH Tsang, ...
Nano Letters 23 (17), 8241-8248, 2023
Phase-controllable large-area two-dimensional In2Se3 and ferroelectric heterophase junction
W Han, X Zheng, K Yang, CS Tsang, F Zheng, LW Wong, KH Lai, T Yang, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (1), 55-63, 2023
Graphene/PtSe2/Pyramid Si van Der Waals Schottky Junction for Room-Temperature Broadband Infrared Light Detection
L Zeng, W Han, SE Wu, D Wu, SP Lau, YH Tsang
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 69 (11), 6212-6216, 2022
Salt‐Assisted Growth of P‐type Cu9S5 Nanoflakes for P‐N Heterojunction Photodetectors with High Responsivity
S Yang, K Liu, W Han, L Li, F Wang, X Zhou, H Li, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (7), 1908382, 2020
Recent advances in 2D rare earth materials
P Chen, W Han, M Zhao, J Su, Z Li, D Li, L Pi, X Zhou, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (13), 2008790, 2021
2D inorganic bimolecular crystals with strong in‐plane anisotropy for second‐order nonlinear optics
X Feng, Z Sun, K Pei, W Han, F Wang, P Luo, J Su, N Zuo, G Liu, H Li, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (32), 2003146, 2020
Approaching ohmic contact to two-dimensional semiconductors
K Liu, P Luo, W Han, S Yang, S Zhou, H Li, T Zhai
Science Bulletin 64 (19), 1426-1435, 2019
Atomically Thin Oxyhalide Solar‐Blind Photodetectors
W Han, C Li, S Yang, P Luo, F Wang, X Feng, K Liu, K Pei, Y Li, H Li, L Li, ...
Small 16 (23), 2000228, 2020
Multifunctional Mixed‐Dimensional MoS2–CuO Junction Field‐Effect Transistor for Logic Operation and Phototransistor
Y Gao, F Zhuge, M Li, Y He, L Li, L Lv, Q Zhang, F Wang, J Su, W Han, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (3), 1800976, 2019
Phase and polarization modulation in two-dimensional In2Se3 via in situ transmission electron microscopy
X Zheng, W Han, K Yang, LW Wong, CS Tsang, KH Lai, F Zheng, T Yang, ...
Science advances 8 (42), eabo0773, 2022
Autoclave growth, magnetic, and optical properties of GdB6 nanowires
W Han, Z Wang, Q Li, H Liu, Q Fan, Y Dong, Q Kuang, Y Zhao
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 256, 53-59, 2017
Suppression of Persistent Photoconductivity of Rubrene Crystals using Gate‐Tunable Rubrene/Bi2Se3 Diodes with Photoinduced Negative Differential Resistance
K Pei, F Wang, W Han, S Yang, K Liu, K Liu, H Li, T Zhai
Small 16 (32), 2002312, 2020
The synthesis of PrB6 nanowires and nanotubes by the self-catalyzed method
M Chi, Y Zhao, Q Fan, W Han
Ceramics International 40 (6), 8921-8924, 2014
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Articles 1–20