Prof. Rajib Maity
Prof. Rajib Maity
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Potential of support vector regression for prediction of monthly streamflow using endogenous property
R Maity, PP Bhagwat, A Bhatnagar
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 24 (7), 917-923, 2010
Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Hydroclimatology
R Maity, 2022
Future of solar energy potential in a changing climate across the world: A CMIP6 multi-model ensemble analysis
R Dutta, K Chanda, R Maity
Renewable Energy 188, 819-829, 2022
Bayesian dynamic modeling for monthly Indian summer monsoon rainfall using El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO)
R Maity, D Nagesh Kumar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D7), 2006
Prediction of monthly rainfall on homogeneous monsoon regions of India based on large scale circulation patterns using Genetic Programming
SS Kashid, R Maity
Journal of Hydrology 454, 26-41, 2012
Hybrid deep learning approach for multi-step-ahead daily rainfall prediction using GCM simulations
MI Khan, R Maity
IEEE Access 8, 52774-52784, 2020
Drought prediction using a wavelet based approach to model the temporal consequences of different types of droughts
R Maity, M Suman, NK Verma
Journal of Hydrology 539, 417-428, 2016
Characterizing drought using the reliability-resilience-vulnerability concept
R Maity, A Sharma, D Nagesh Kumar, K Chanda
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 18 (7), 859-869, 2013
Regional rainfall forecasting using large scale climate teleconnections and artificial intelligence techniques
M Janga Reddy, R Maity
Journal of Intelligent Systems 16 (4), 307-322, 2007
Identification of hydrologic drought triggers from hydroclimatic predictor variables
R Maity, M Ramadas, RS Govindaraju
Water Resources Research 49 (7), 4476-4492, 2013
Probabilistic prediction of hydroclimatic variables with nonparametric quantification of uncertainty
R Maity, D Nagesh Kumar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D14), 2008
Southward shift of precipitation extremes over south Asia: Evidences from CORDEX data
M Suman, R Maity
Scientific reports 10 (1), 6452, 2020
Meteorological drought quantification with standardized precipitation anomaly index for the regions with strongly seasonal and periodic precipitation
K Chanda, R Maity
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (12), 06015007, 2015
Streamflow prediction using multi-site rainfall obtained from hydroclimatic teleconnection
SS Kashid, S Ghosh, R Maity
Journal of Hydrology 395 (1-2), 23-38, 2010
Increase in probable maximum precipitation in a changing climate over India
S Sarkar, R Maity
Journal of Hydrology 585, 124806, 2020
Basin‐scale stream‐flow forecasting using the information of large‐scale atmospheric circulation phenomena
R Maity, D Nagesh Kumar
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (5), 643-650, 2008
Long-lead prediction of ENSO modoki index using machine learning algorithms
M Pal, R Maity, JV Ratnam, M Nonaka, SK Behera
Scientific reports 10 (1), 365, 2020
Multistep-ahead river flow prediction using LS-SVR at daily scale
PP Bhagwat, R Maity
Journal of water Resource and Protection 4 (07), 528, 2012
Importance analysis of local and global climate inputs for basin‐scale streamflow prediction
R Maity, SS Kashid
Water Resources Research 47 (11), 2011
Spatiotemporal variation of long‐term drought propensity through reliability‐resilience‐vulnerability based D rought M anagement I ndex
K Chanda, R Maity, A Sharma, R Mehrotra
Water Resources Research 50 (10), 7662-7676, 2014
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Articles 1–20