Melina Nisenbaum
Melina Nisenbaum
Doctor in Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
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Cited by
New findings on aromatic compounds’ degradation and their metabolic pathways, the biosurfactant production and motility of the halophilic bacterium Halomonas sp. KHS3
G Corti Monzón, M Nisenbaum, MK Herrera Seitz, SE Murialdo
Current microbiology 75, 1108-1118, 2018
Hydrocarbon biodegradation and dynamic laser speckle for detecting chemotactic responses at low bacterial concentration
M Nisenbaum, GH Sendra, GAC Gilbert, M Scagliola, JF González, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 25 (3), 613-625, 2013
Enrichment and key features of a robust and consistent indigenous marine-cognate microbial consortium growing on oily bilge wastewaters
M Nisenbaum, G Corti-Monzón, M Villegas-Plazas, H Junca, A Mangani, ...
Biodegradation 31, 91-108, 2020
Enrichment and characterization of a bilge microbial consortium with oil in water-emulsions breaking ability for oily wastewater treatment
G Corti-Monzón, M Nisenbaum, M Villegas-Plazas, H Junca, S Murialdo
Biodegradation 31, 57-72, 2020
Dynamic laser speckle and fuzzy mathematical morphology applied to studies of chemotaxis towards hydrocarbons
M Nisenbaum, A Bouchet, M Nicolás Guzmán, J Froilán González, ...
International Journal of Environment and Health 7 (1), 58-69, 2014
Oily Bilge Wastes Harbor a Set of Persistent Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria Accompanied by a Variable alkB Gene Composition in Marine Vessel Samples from …
G Corti-Monzón, M Nisenbaum, S Peressutti, H Junca, E García-Bonilla, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (7), 301, 2021
Video processing analysis for the determination and evaluation of the chemotactic response in bacterial populations
M Nisenbaum, E Maldonado, JM Arca, JF González, LI Passoni, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 127, 146-153, 2016
Chemotaxis detection towards chlorophenols using video processing analysis
E Okada, M Nisenbaum, JM Arca, SE Murialdo
Journal of microbiological methods 142, 15-19, 2017
Preliminary Study of the Application of Dynamic Speckle Pattern Analysis for Toxicants Detection Based on Bacterial Motility Changes
MN Guzmán, M Nisenbaum, EC Ayala, S Murialdo, GJ Meschino
Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería, 95-101, 2023
Biosensores ópticos para la detección de contaminación en aguas y efluentes
M Nisenbaum, MN Guzmán, S Agustinelli, SE Murialdo
Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica y de la Innovación …, 2023
Biospeckle láser: una herramienta prometedora para elcontrol de calidad de los alimentos
S Agustinelli, M Nisenbaum, MN Guzmán, SE Murialdo
Asociación Latino-Iberoamericana de Gestión Tecnológica y de la Innovación …, 2023
Determination of Microbial Load in Water by Dynamic Speckle Pattern Analysis
MN Guzmán, M Nisenbaum, S Murialdo, GJ Meschino
Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería, 455-460, 2022
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Articles 1–12